In the next instalment of Insider interviews with inspirational and cool mamas, please meet Eva Jorgensen who is owner and co-founder of one of the most amazing, original and creative stationery companies I have ever come across: Sycamore Street Press. It started modestly with a vintage letterpress and the ethic to create beautiful, simple yet very hand-crafted products still remains at the heart. Eva lives what sounds like the most romantic life in the Utah mountains with two angelic children. The next time you need a greeting card/poster/gift wrap: look no further...
What is your daily beauty routine?
It's very simple. In the morning, I get up and shower. I put on moisturizer/sunscreen, some simple make-up, comb out my hair and let it air dry, although sometimes I blow-dry my bangs. (And I don't wash my hair every day -- I use baby powder on the roots on the in-between days.) In the evening before bed, I wash & moisturize my face with coconut oil.
What makes you feel beautiful?
Walking in nature and the love of my husband and my kids.
Do you manage to squeeze in any pamper time in between the chaos of children?
Not really! Well, my daily morning shower feels like pamper time, because my husband is usually wrangling the kids for breakfast, and I step away for a few minutes to take a quiet shower.
What is your can’t-live-without product?
bareMinerals foundation. (Original in Fairly Medium.) I suffer from rosacea, and have hereditary circles under my eyes, so without make-up to even out my skin tone, I look like someone who forgot to wear sunscreen while skiing with goggles (and people give me sympathetic remarks about my "horrible sunburn" -- it's true!). When I wear this foundation, people instead compliment me on my beautiful skin. It really makes a difference. (I've tried lots of other foundations, too, and this one is by far the best for my skin.)
Do you have any beauty tips for fellow mamas?
Take it easy on yourselves. And get as much sleep as possible.
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